Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Real Etruscans

Etruria is probably the best example of the White Mans attempts at creating a false history for himself, and in that process, obliterating actual history. In its traditional foundation myth, Romulus and Remus are Rome's twin founders . They are descendants of the Trojan prince and refugee Aeneas, and are fathered by the god Mars or the demi-god Hercules on a royal Vestal Virgin, Rhea Silvia (also known as Ilia), whose uncle exposes them to die in the wild. They are found by a she-wolf who suckles and cares for them. The twins are eventually restored to their regal birthright, acquire many followers and decide to found a new city - Rome. The Romans are also known as Latin's: But the Latin's (or Latini, as they called themselves) were an "Original" people of ancient Italy. Quite different from the White invaders from Central Asia.

The most common hypothesis is that the Italic peoples migrated into the Italian peninsula from Central Asia, sometime during the Italian Bronze Age (ca. 1800-900 BC). The most likely route for the "so-called" Italic migration was from the Balkan peninsula along the Adriatic coast. But it is already accepted that the original Europeans were Black people (and no, they did not turn into White people because of vitamin D deficiency). The Latin's already existed in Italy BEFORE the White people we erroneously call Romans arrived - thus the people we call Romans could not have been Italics either!

Etruscans were members of the ancient civilization of Etruria, a country in what is now Italy. Their urban civilization is though to have started well before 800 B.C. But it's true beginnings cannot be ascertained, because their literature, especially the Etrusca Disciplina, the Etruscan books of cult and divination, were collected and burned in the 5th century A.D. by White Christian elements. Some say the Etruscans were originally pelasgians (the original people of Greece), some say that they were Phrygian migrants from Anatolia. But both of those theories seem to miss the fact that the entire area was inhabited by Black people, since about 45,000 B.C, when Grimaldi man first entered Europe. 

The Etruscan pendant (above), which has several Swastika symbols (an ancient sign for good luck), connects Etruscans with ancient Nubia (Sudan) on whose pottery it is first found: and also the Indus valley civilization, as well as the Mesopotamian civilizations. The design of their chariots is similar to Egyptian Chariots - one rider, two horses.

The Etruscan cities were large, and in all ways comparable to cities of the other great ancient civilizations. Etruscan state government, like others of those times, was a theocracy (the king was deified, and considered a god). Their religion employed elaborate cults and rituals.

Very little is known about their social and civic structure, except that their city-states weren't particularly unified. The heads of Etruscan cities, apparently at times, met to discuss military and political affairs. But apart from this, the Etruscans could be considered, as many ancient sources describe them, “duodecim populi Eturiae” or “the twelve peoples of Eturia”, (the twelve peoples, referring to the twelve major city-states).

Their agriculture was advanced and efficient, and their trading and commercial relationships were far ranging and profitable. Mining and the commerce of metal, especially copper and iron, led to the enrichment of the Etruscans and to the expansion of their influence in the Italian peninsula and the western Mediterranean sea.

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